Thursday, April 21, 2011

And Now For a Word on Fobbits

On Camp Leatherneck people like me are in the minority. What I mean by this is that the majority of the military on this base never actually leave this F.O.B. (forward operating base). These peaceful people are playfully referred to as "fobbits," and are frequently made fun of by Marines who do go outside the wire. They are seen by some as less marine-like because they aren't out patrolling, and some people feel the need to point this out. Really I see no need for that. Fobbits make my life better. When I'm out on a convoy there is nothing more comforting than to know that hot chow and a warm shower wait for me when I return. Fobbits make this possible. Fobbits also allow me to get mail and take cash out of my next paycheck so I can go buy pirated copies of House out at the bazaar. Fobbits, thank you from the bottom of my heart. If I could I would raise a fobbit-sized tankard of ale in your honor right now.