Thursday, February 17, 2011

Wind Storms!

So all day today while we were out on a convoy the winds kicked up to a gale and our tent city was nearly destroyed. Our tent (5th squad) was in fact blown over, but thanks to the valor of 4th squad was put back up in short order. Thank you gentlemen. One good friend actually needed stitches after he was brained by a falling tent pole while trying to save a different tent from blowing away. I wish I would have gotten a picture of the stitches, but for now here is some of the destruction.
IMG_0209 IMG_0208 IMG_0210
In addition to the destruction of our living spaces this also made it really hard to breathe throughout 3/4 of the day, and my lungs actually feel heavy from the inhaled sand/dust. I also severely need to wash my hair. On a positive note, here is a picture from the other day that is not goofy like some of the previous ones.
I don’t know what this thing is.