Perhaps not quite as exciting as the title suggests, but it is true that a simple tortoise can shut down training out here for a good portion of the day. It’s called the Mojave Desert Tortoise and it’s defense mechanism is that when it is startled it wets itself, which in turn dehydrates it. This may be the reason that it is in fact a species in decline (very nearly on the endangered species list). Thus if we see one of these turtles we have to call in an emergency turtle rescue. I wish I was joking.
Of course there is some dangerous stuff out here too. One example is the Desert Recluse (cousin to the Brown Recluse that we have in PA) Or as my friend Matthews says “I call it the Desert Reckless… because it’s reckless with it’s bite!” of course he has never actually seen one so this is a bit more mellow drama than anything else.